The Golden Key

A bee saved my life…

honey bee cure

“A Golden Cure”

Well, not really. But a crew of bees certainly made my life a whole lot better.

I caught a nasty cold over the weekend and was not happy about having to write copy, host phone meetings, and traipse around from one winter holiday event to the other with my snot rag in tow and my head swimming in sick delirium. As I lay in bed watching “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” I started texting with a friend of mine who eagerly recommended his witch doctor remedy…


My initial reaction: GROSS. I thought… “Ew. Sugar overload.”

But my good friend kept reassuring my stubborn resistance and sent a link to lift my learned mind out of the darkness of ignorance. Not only does the honey+cinnamon combo kick a cold’s boney behind, but it also helps fight against heart disease, ease arthritis pain, and put a smile on the face of the grumpiest of sick children.

Good news: I started feeling better that same night. I have NEVER (and I mean never) recovered from a cold this quickly in my entire life.

Then I thought about a documentary I saw with my main Fuzzy about how we’re pillaging the honey bees’ ecosystem and possibly creating a world that is without the sweetness of their golden ointment. Not only will we be depriving ourselves of this natural healing nectar, but we’re destroying the Earth’s ability to reproduce the fruits and vegetables that we need to survive. The more we carelessly strip our world of an environment that supports the honey bee to travel freely from flower to tree to plant to hive, the more we put ourselves in a truly sticky situation.

Check out the documentary “Vanishing of the Bees” at, and see why these little creatures are the key to our survival.

About Tesz Millan

I am a professional singer of stage, radio, and television and love the process of giving life to my other passion - writing. Being a freelance copywriter, singer, and all around entrepreneur gives me the passion to live my life to the fullest everyday.
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5 Responses to The Golden Key

  1. Masira says:

    No sabía del remedio que aportas y he tomado nota gratamente. Si sé de otra también con miel, y es para los costipados con dolor de garganta y mucosidad, utilizar un limón exprimido con varias cucharaditas de miel. Se va tomando poco a poco durante todo el dia y te va curando.

    En cuanto a las abejas si son precisas en nuestro Planeta, pues no sólo la miel es buena para la salud , sino también el propolis, el cual es un gran desinfectante natural, y se lo debemos a las abejas.

    Además son bien bonitas 😉

    Saludos Cordiales desde España y gracias por compartir estas cosas.

    • Tesz Millan says:

      Miel y limón. ¡Qué combinación especial! Nunca hubiera pensado que estos dos sabores muy opuestas podría ser tan beneficioso juntos.

      Algo me recuerda a mi relación con mi Fuzzy favorito. LOL.

      Cuide su salud, Masira!

  2. Masira says:

    Limón exprimido con varias cucharadas de miel (a gusto de cada uno).
    Se va tomando muy poco a poco


  3. Good to hear you’re feeling better! I trust in a hot, fresh ginger brew, with honey and lemon juice! And, if you can take it, raw garlic ( couple of gloves, chopped up) with honey works wonders! Best recommended when your partner is not around :)) *lots of light to you*

    • Tesz Millan says:

      Danke, livingthelifeofacat!

      Das mit Knoblauch klingt richtig stark… aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich stark genug bin. Bleh! Aber wenn mir richtig schlecht geht, dann probiere ich es aus. 😀

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